How Tree Fungus May Be Harming Your Trees

HomeBlogHow Tree Fungus May Be Harming Your Trees

Trees are excellent propagators of nature, often helping other plants thrive. Unfortunately, they sometimes attract fungal growths, too – ones that can be damaging to the tree as well as the surrounding vegetation. Tree fungus is a common sign that your tree may be nearing the end of its life, as these fungi feed off of the tree and can hasten the end of its life cycle.

How Tree Fungus May Be Harming Your Trees

Tree fungus can affect trees in a variety of ways, but most of these effects will negatively impact your tree’s health. They can rot away the base of your tree, often destroying roots and weakening the base of the trunk. Other fungi will enter in through improperly trimmed branches, killing the bark or healthy branches when all you wanted was a nice pruning. In general, fungi will sap the nutrients out of the tree, furthering the growth of the fungi while harming the health of the tree.

If you notice a growth on your tree or near the base of it, be sure to call in tree experts like those on our team. We can identify the fungus, helping you develop a plan on how to manage your tree. In addition, we can help get rid of any potentially dangerous fungi, preventing the fungi from spreading to other vegetation nearby. We can also help manage your tree’s growth and health in a way that will not invite unwanted fungi to enter in through recently trimmed branches or the roots of the tree. Although the fungus may seem harmless, you should still call an expert to identify your tree fungus and hopefully return your landscaping to a healthy state.