The Most Common Tree Problems and Why They Matter

HomeBlogThe Most Common Tree Problems and Why They Matter

As a property owner, you may feel that trees are simply a nice addition to your landscape, but not anything that you have to manage or worry about. However, trees often face a number of problems that can directly influence your land – problems that could be avoided if you know what to do. Here are some of the more common tree problems and how they could affect you:

The Most Common Tree Problems and Why They Matter

  • Lack of Nutrients: Trees naturally lose leaves and branches over time. In a forest, these would eventually be broken down and enter back into the soil, giving the tree much-needed nutrients. Property owners understandably want to clear their yards of these droppings, leading to trees lacking nutrients and becoming sick.
  • Restricted Growth: In residential or commercial areas, sidewalks and houses can block tree roots from growing to their full potential. This will either lead to a tree that cannot grow the way it needs to or potential damage to whatever is blocking the tree’s growth. Experts can help you know your options to save both your tree and your property from damage.
  • Unwanted Pests: There are plenty of bugs, rodents, and birds that make their homes in the trees all around us. These creatures, however, can sometimes eat away at a beautiful tree or dig holes that compromise its structural integrity. These tree problems require more than a simple pesticide to solve, so don’t be afraid to reach out and get our experts on the job.

There are plenty of issues that could transform your trees from a visually pleasing addition into an inconvenience. However, it shouldn’t be that way! Trees are a wonderful addition to your landscape, so long as you are aware of potential tree problems and have experts you can trust to help solve issues as they arise. Taking care of your trees can be easy and fulfilling, and we are here to help every step of the way.